I work every day with owners of small businesses. I am constantly inspired by their tenacity, agility and skill. The Office of Small Business in Queensland defines a small business as a business employing less that 20 employees. Together, there are 426,000 of us small businesses.
Old school is the new school.
Seriously, in a world that is obsessed with digital technology, the old school brochure is making a comeback. I love planning out the big picture on a big picture. I think that's why I love a good whiteboard! If you love a good big yearly planner, then this free download is for you.
Can you believe there are only 9 more sleeps left until the new financial year? Wow! That's just over a week to squeeze everything we can out of this one.
There have been massive changes to the Back to Work program which includes the $20K Youth Boost I have promoted loudly and widely. Form 1st July 2018, the program will change significantly. If you are using this program, or considering using it, it pays to read the fine print and check out the changes.
I absolutely love the Business Growth Fund! There is so much assistance available right now for small and medium sized businesses and I'm always on the look out for grants that may be of interest to my clients and the wider business community. This one is up to $50K and is a beauty.
Traineeships can be a great way to hire a much much needed office staff member to enhance your efficiency. The good news is there are government grants available to assist with the cost. In fact, they cover most of the costs!
September 2024