Non-price criteria is all other criteria except for the price on a tender, bid or proposal. Generally, when submitting a tender or quote a company puts a great deal of thought and estimation into the actual price they are willing to offer for the goods and services or project the client may be looking for. Whilst price is important, when assessing tenders, often organisations will refer to non-price criteria to separate bids that have a similar price or are within a similar ball park.
Sometimes organisations are transparent about how much money they are willing to pay and the tender, is for the value that can get added to that budget. Either way, the concept of non-price criteria is very important. In fact, it can be the point that separates first from second in assessing tenders. Funny enough, in today's digital world, printed documents can help you stand out from your competition. The thought you put into the development of these documents says a lot about your business.
Old school is the new school.
Seriously, in a world that is obsessed with digital technology, the old school brochure is making a comeback. In today’s digital world everything changes minute-by-minute, which can make it hard to decipher what’s worth the investment and what is not when it comes to your marketing. Buyers are consuming new information every single day, so how exactly do we capture and keep a buyer’s attention?
June 2024