I picked up a copy of Michelle Obama's book 'Becoming' at an airport, where I buy most books. Normally I can devour a book on the flight between Brisbane and Townsville, but not this time. Not only were the 426 pages a bit too lengthy for my regular flight time, the content did not want to be rushed.
Becoming is a wonderful memoir. It is a professional development piece (at least that's what I'm telling my accountant when I code my tax invoice), a personal development road map, and a love story. Not just between Michelle and Barack, but also between Michelle and her daughters and Michelle and her world. I truly loved the mix of humour and sadness, the tough stories and the hope. I cried. I laughed. I then re-read it a couple of weeks later to absorb what I missed the first time round. Michelle tells her story with a feminine warmth entwined with intelligent insights and relatable accounts of every stage of her life. Who knew I could feel relatable to the first lady of the United States? Ha! Well done to Michelle. If she were here, I'd give her a big hug. After reading this, she feels like a good friend. Do yourself a favour (I know you read that with your best Molly Meldrum impersonation), and go and buy this book. Comments are closed.
June 2024