Clarity is clear, concise language that is easily written and easily readable, easily spoken and easily delivered. Trumps means to rank above, outdo the competition, outshine, outclass and outperform. Persuasion is the art of convincing someone to do something or believe something by written or verbal form. In today’s day and age, almost every single business has mastered the art of persuasion because of the many competitors of their trade. The mind game is that business owners are constantly asking themselves what they can do better to stand out, to be noticed, to get the client to choose them over others and often persuasion like add-on services for free, prices slashed or discounted items are the usual route.
Now, before you think ‘here we go…’, I’m a personal assistant to a marketer and from what I’ve learnt, understanding motivation is at the forefront of what our director does, however, it’s the communication and the way your business message is received from the audience’s point of view that’s really important. I think our audience should be provided with all the necessary information regarding the services they require without being pestered by sales talk – it’s a modern-day habit, but it’s been used and abused for centuries. Now I’m not saying, stop using persuasion altogether because there are often times where using persuasion is necessary, but depending on your target audience, some buy into the prize; the prize being persuasion and some buy into you, as a business. Clarity is clear, transparent, easily delivered information which our audience have access to with the touch of a button – one keyword for a service or a product typed into google and you have1-300 options in the palm of your hand, so ask yourself this: What makes you stand out? In my opinion, the real head turner would be which company is the most conscious and confident of what they offer as a business without screaming sales! I can tell you now, as a client or customer of past, present and future businesses, I would rather buy into you, your values, your beliefs, and your overall presence than what you can offer me on-top of what I already know you can do. Transparency between the business and client are crucial for the relationship. It not only creates certainty in brand promise and delivery, but it establishes loyalty. Loyalty from a client is like your favourite coffee order that is bought from the same place, every day! There is no doubt in my mind that clarity trumps persuasion every day of the week, but I don’t expect you to turn a new leaf – the subject is always up for debate. I am merely sharing what inspires us here at Grey and Grey to be different. To be and buy from a business that would behave as we do. Written by Leah Walker Personal Assistant and valued team member at Grey and Grey Comments are closed.
September 2024