With most of 2018 in the rearview mirror, it has been a great time to reflect on the year that has been. As I take time to reflect and celebrate, I'm feeling grateful for the opportunity I've had to play my part in the success of my clients.
Some of the great achievements my wonderful clients have achieved in 2018 have included:
All in all, 2018 has proven to be fabulous. I am privileged to work with some wonderful people who trust me enough to open their hearts and their minds to new ideas. Thank you for including me in your journey! I feel like your successes are my successes. I have opened my second office and found this expansion both challenging and rewarding. After a few tweaks, I now feel like the rhythm of working between the Brisbane office and the Townsville office is working well and I am able to deliver great value for my clients. A massive thanks much go to my wonderful family for supporting me in this business of mine. I simply couldn't do it without you. Thank you Rod, Lachy and Charley. Here's to a great 2019! Over and out. Comments are closed.
September 2024