If you are wondering if 1 person can change the world, just look at COVID19. It started with just 1 person, with 1 virus, and here we are. I get that this is real. I have a young family including a child with a complicated medial history, and I have aged parents, both of whom have complex medical conditions. This is not someone else's problem, its ours too. However, as a business owner, I also see the economic impact of this virus and the impact of just 1 person with 1 virus. So it's had me thinking - how can we spread some love in the midst of all this uncertainty? I can't make the virus go away, I can follow the authorities directives.
I can't immunise my kids from this, however I can remind them how powerful regular, thorough hand washing is. I can't save the businesses who may close their doors as a result of this, however I can shop local where possible. I can't stop the uncertainty, however I can add some calm to the mix. And I can let you know how wonderfully powerful 5 star reviews are on Google. Not just for on-line business, not just for retail business - but for all business. And it only takes about 2 minutes. So here's my challenge for you. Get onto Google and start 5 star reviewing those businesses you want to show your support for. 5 star review your favourite hairdresser, your favourite cafe, your mechanic, your accountant, your mortgage broker - anyone and everyone. Don't overthink it. Just do it. You can do one after another, after another. Think about that great service you received at the shop last week, think about the person you admire in business. Give them a 5 star Google review. Go for it. Share the love and help the economy. Nice. This post has been written by Roxanne Grey Partner Grey and Grey Comments are closed.
June 2024